
Why I Love These Female Christian Music Artists

When I first started listening to Christian music about fourteen years ago, there were a ton of male artists and bands but it seemed the female Christian music artists were not so abundant. Of course there were a few, like Rebecca St. James and Crystal Lewis but it seemed for the most part, the males dominated.When I wrote the article, My Ten Favorite Christian Female Artists , three years ago it still seemed to be the case. Nichole Nordeman via Flickr @ CM Central Nowadays that doesn't seem to ring true anymore. Currently, there are many new female Christian music artists on the scene, many of them not even 30 years old! These are the kinds of gals that are true role models for young girls, very unlike the Katy Perry's and Miley Cyrus's of the world! Something else that's different about modern-day Christian music is its new reliance on digital music and social media. No longer do artists have to rely on simply getting heard on the radio and selling albums to b

Remembering 9/11

It's impossible not to think about the events that took place 13 years ago today. I'm pretty sure every American steels themselves for another year of remembrance as the date September 11 approaches. It is still really unbelievable that such a horrific surprise attack happened after the turn of a new millennium. On one of the websites I write for, one of the questions in the forum was "Where were you?" The question needed no further clarification. What sort of surprised me as I read through everyone's answers was the young age many of the writers were when it happened. A majority of them were in middle school and high school and a few were even in their elementary years. I was older then them - 27 to be exact. I was working for the North Carolina Automobile Dealer's Association. I was taking a morning break checking e-mail when I noticed a message from my mom telling me to pray because a plane had gone down. Not long after that, I received another e-ma

A Look Back at the Book Healing for Damaged Emotions

Welcome to Write On's Throwback Thursday (#tbt) where I'll be featuring a blast from the past in the form of photos, a blog post or who knows what else! This week's TBT is an article I wrote for HubPages way back on January 29, 2010.  Of course the whole world is mourning the passing of the amazing and talented Robin Williams and there has been an increase in dialogue on depression and suicide. I wanted to share this post as a way of helping people to know there is hope in overcoming depression. I myself was healed of clinical depression and I give God all the glory for His healing touch in my life. I pray that He would do the same for others who suffer with this terrible condition.  "Satan knows your weaknesses; he understands your infirmities and uses them to great advantages against you." Pastor David Seamands Author of Healing for Damaged Emotions  Image Source via Flickr @ darcyadelaide How can a Christian be depressed, you might ask. Aren&

Carol Kent Shares Six Choices for Living "A New Kind of Normal"

I was blessed to be able to attend the annual women's conference held at Century Baptist this year and I must admit, I was completely blown away by the amazing speaker who had quite a story to tell. Gwen Damlo from KNDR, Carol Kent and myself. The conference kicked off on Friday evening with a wonderful time of praise and worship. Shortly afterwards every lady in attendance listened intently as speaker and author, Carol Kent told the story of when her only child, Jason Kent was arrested for murder. She went on to tell us about the reality of living "a new kind of normal" that included not only her son's conviction but his sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole. Honestly, I had a tough time comprehending how a devout Christian could carry out such a horrendous act but one would have to know the whole story to understand why he did. He thought he was protecting his young stepdaughters from further abuse by their biological father. Jas

Ten Places I've Been

Welcome to Write On's Weekend Top Ten ! Just recently, I wrote a guest post for a fellow North Dakota blogger's website in which I talked about 5 places in North Dakota I've never been. Some of my friends and family were absolutely shocked to discover I've never been to the Medora Musical! What makes it a little more comical is that while I've never been to some great spots in North Dakota, I have managed to travel to some pretty cool places outside of the state! Here are the Top Ten Places I've Been (outside of North Dakota): Image Source via Flickr Mr. Nixter #10 Washington D.C   While in college, I had the opportunity to attend a national convention of a sorority with which I was involved. One year, the convention was held in our nation's capital. It was a great opportunity to ride the metro for the first time ever,  see the White House and the Washington National Monument. #9 Dallas/Fort Worth This is another place I was able to go to during

Former Miss Rodeo America Won Crown While Beating Cancer

Welcome to my Throwback Thursday where I'll be featuring a blast from the past in the form of photos, blog post or who knows what else! This post is from April 24, 2012 that I had on a different blog that I have since taken down. It features Miss Rodeo America Ashley Andrews Alderson speaking at a Charity Lutheran's Women's Event on how she won the crown while beating cancer. ______________________ Miss Rodeo America, Ashley Andrews Alderson, spoke at a women’s luncheon event called “Faith through Adversity.” The event was put on by Charity Lutheran’s Charity Women in Mission for Christ. As Ashley spoke, it was quite apparent this former rodeo queen was not only beautiful on the outside but inside as well. Ashley, originally from the small community of Bowman, was crowned Miss Rodeo North Dakota in 2006. During her reign, she was diagnosed with a type of cancer called Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. She endured chemotherapy treatments for six months. Through it all, she vowed

Do I Need a Doctor or Do I Need Jesus?

When doctors say there is nothing more medicine can do, God can do more! Medicine and hospitals can be gifts from God and are used to minimize suffering. But ultimate healing is created by God and goes beyond what medicine can do. Jesus considered it normal for people to go to the doctor. Luke 8:43  says, “Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any.” Also in Colossians 4, an apostle and doctor traveled together to minister to the full healing needs of the people. How does a person receive healing? Receiving means opening your heart and spirit to receive without fears and concerns blocking your ability to receive God’s love and healing power. Healing is released when we lift our eyes to Jesus. Luke 9:35 “A voice came from the cloud saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him.’” Jesus’ words should be our final authority. Don’t be hasty to seek advice and guidance form