Do I Need a Doctor or Do I Need Jesus?

When doctors say there is nothing more medicine can do, God can do more! Medicine and hospitals can be gifts from God and are used to minimize suffering. But ultimate healing is created by God and goes beyond what medicine can do.

Jesus considered it normal for people to go to the doctor. Luke 8:43  says, “Now a woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any.” Also in Colossians 4, an apostle and doctor traveled together to minister to the full healing needs of the people.

How does a person receive healing? Receiving means opening your heart and spirit to receive without fears and concerns blocking your ability to receive God’s love and healing power. Healing is released when we lift our eyes to Jesus.

Luke 9:35 “A voice came from the cloud saying, ‘This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him.’” Jesus’ words should be our final authority.

Don’t be hasty to seek advice and guidance form only human sources and thereby neglect Christ’s message.
Do you have confidence in who Jesus is? Your ability to follow Him comes from the confidence of knowing who He is. Go to Him first for advice.

There can be two pitfalls – we can be so assured with the medical field that we fail to depend on God at all. This attitude places more significance on personal capabilities than on the Lord and His power. On the other hand, sometimes we think so little of the medical field that we don’t obey God and get the help He provides from them.

He guides us when we ask and depend on Him for guidance, always believing He is our healer! 

When our hearts are filled with fear and anxiety, hormones are released and all parts of the body are affected. When the heart is at peace, or rest, the rest of the systems can heal. Fear, anxiety and stress are root problems causing many diseases.

Have your heart be at peace with God. Hand over guilt, shame, anger and anxieties. Get the burden off your body and free yourself to be restored to health! Get prayer! “The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:16
You can receive healing through prayer!
Let peace by your barometer. Our security is in Him. Whether going for medical help or not, may this be said, “And they were all amazed at the greatness of God” Luke 9:43

This article appeared in the Healing Rooms of the Northern Plains Fall 2012 newsletter and is being re-published with their permission.


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