Ten Places I've Been
Welcome to Write On's Weekend Top Ten ! Just recently, I wrote a guest post for a fellow North Dakota blogger's website in which I talked about 5 places in North Dakota I've never been. Some of my friends and family were absolutely shocked to discover I've never been to the Medora Musical! What makes it a little more comical is that while I've never been to some great spots in North Dakota, I have managed to travel to some pretty cool places outside of the state! Here are the Top Ten Places I've Been (outside of North Dakota): Image Source via Flickr Mr. Nixter #10 Washington D.C While in college, I had the opportunity to attend a national convention of a sorority with which I was involved. One year, the convention was held in our nation's capital. It was a great opportunity to ride the metro for the first time ever, see the White House and the Washington National Monument. #9 Dallas/Fort Worth This is another place I was able to go to during...